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Tambour de cérémonie fabriqué à la main au Pays-Basque par 4 artisans passionés. 

Les tambours sont réalisés en conscience dans la tradition Ô Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ. 


Tambour en peau de bison et châtaignier. 


Le tambour est accompagné de sa mailloche. 



Diamètre 38 cm. 



Tambour Bison et châtaignier 38cm

Temporarily out of stock


    Sound healing is a very powerful tool, the effects of which can vary from person to person.

    In any case, the sound therapist does not replace your attending physician or a specialist in the event of a medical problem.

    Sound healing is contraindicated in the following cases:
    For people with pacemakers,
    For people with seizure disorders *,
    · For pregnant women less than 4 months or more than 8 months *.
    * in these cases, please contact us directly for a prior exchange.

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